You can use translations provided by Google Translate™ or DeepL™. To use DeepL™ bTranslate will ask you to provide a DeepL™ Authentication Key. Functions: Translation settings Clear translation settings Example settings: Google Example settings: DeepL *Utilities* sps split paragraphs to sentences [select paragraphs or place cursor in para] pts spt split off selected text [select text] spp split off selected text, then paras [select text] mps merge sentences to paragraphs [select paragraphs] stp htse highlight translation start/end *Manage DeepL API* Add/change API key for user / all documents Remove API key for user / all documents Copy user API key to document Add/change API key for document Remove API key for document Hint: Type OpenDevEd in the search bar at the top of the page and press "Enter" to find all our add-ons. Google Docs™ and Google Translate™ are trademarks of Google LLC. DeepL™ is a trademark of DeepL GmbH.