Generate QR Codes in large numbers from data in Google Sheet file.
Ändrades senast:30 december 2024
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705 tn+
Quick Response (QR) Codes are two-dimensional barcodes which encode text content. QRCodes can contain over 4,000 characters, and can be scanned by any compatible barcode scanner in a fraction of a second. QR Codes are used for asset tagging, proof of identity, event ticketing, interactive museum exhibits, orienteering, school quizzes, business cards and much more! Once encoded, the URL or data withing the QR Code is permanent and almost impossible to modify.
Generate thousands QR code and print it online, All images are embedded into sheet in perfect quality as high-res images.
Easily convert the text inside the spreadsheet into a QR code, create your free QR Codes.
Multiple QR code styles available.
QR Code editor with cool features.
Save qrcode to Google Docs,
Save qrcode png to Google Drive.
Bulk QR Code Generator for URL, vCard, and more. Add logo, colors, frames, and download in high print quality. Get your free QR Codes now!
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