Empower your business with smarter data-driven decisions. Easily sync your accounting data and instantly unlock deeper insights.
정보 업데이트:2025년 1월 15일
호환 기기:
Bunker is a cutting-edge financial analytics tool that instantly syncs with your accounting software, transforming data into actionable insights. Sync, analyse and act in minutes with Bunker.

Key Benefits:

• Instant Data Sync: Seamlessly pull your accounting data into Google Sheets using your Bunker credentials.

• Custom Financial Reports: Generate tailored Profit & Loss statements, Budget vs. Actuals, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, and other detailed reports. Unlock strategic insights quickly.

• Built-in Dashboards: Leverage Bunker’s curated dashboards, charts and tables to quickly analyse and track key financial metrics.

• Bespoke Analysis: Easily leverage curated pivot tables to perform custom analyses that fit your unique business needs.

• Enhanced Reporting: Improve stakeholder presentations by integrating insightful charts and tables created by Bunker.

• Elevated Strategic Decision-Making: Eliminate hours of manual work and focus more on strategic, high-impact decision-making with Bunker’s powerful automation and visualisation tools.

• Ironclad Data Security: Bunker is SOC 2 Type II certified, ensuring your data is safeguarded with the highest industry standards.

Please note: Access to this extension requires an account with https://bunkertech.io/.
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모든 Google Sheets 스프레드시트 확인, 수정, 생성, 삭제
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