The add-on provides utility functions for Google Sheets™. In particular, it offers a default style and cropping of rows/cols that are not needed.
Đã cập nhật trang thông tin:13 tháng 1, 2023
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The function “Hide leading empty rows & cols” checks whether any initial rows are empty (e.g., rows 1, 2, 3, until there is content) or/and any initial columns are empty (e.g., cols A, B, C, until there is content). If yes, the empty rows or/and columns will be hidden.

The function “Delete trailing empty rows & cols” checks whether more than 10 ending rows are empty,  or/and whether more than 1 ending columns are empty. If yes, all ending rows beyond 10 empty rows or/and all ending columns beyond 1 empty one will be deleted.

The function “Apply default formatting” aligns the cells’ contents to the top, sets font size 10, and font family Ubuntu. For the first row, the function freezes it, sets the light blue background colour, and sets the bold font weight.

The function “Reformat existing sheet (hide, delete, default formatting)” runs functions “Hide leading empty rows & cols”, “Delete trailing empty rows & cols”, and “Apply default formatting”.

Google Sheets™ is a trademark of Google LLC.
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