Cacoo is a user friendly online drawing tool. Multiple users editing the same diagram means Real-Time Collaboration.
Дата оновлення:7 лютого 2025 р.
995 тис.+
Cacoo is a user friendly online drawing tool that allows you to create a variety of diagrams such as site maps, wire frames, UML and network charts.  Cacoo can be used free of charge.

Cacoo makes Real-Time Collaboration a reality!  A diagram created with Cacoo can be edited by multiple people at the same time.  Changes by users are reflected in real-time.  Working with Cacoo makes it seem like everyone is working together in the same room and brings new meaning to the word, Collaboration.

Varieties of stencils are available on Cacoo so it's easy to draw diagrams you need:
- Sitemap
- Wireframe
- Freehand Wireframe
- Web Service
- Flowchart
- ER Diagrams
- Basic
- Balloon
- People
- Smiley
- Greeting Card
- Dimension Line
- Office Equipment
- Network
- Office Layout
- Simple Icon
- File
- iPhone
- iPad
- Android
- Electronic Circuit

Cacoo is available in both English and Japanese

For $6 per user per month, take your diagrams to the next level with enhanced features and enjoy seamless collaboration tools to work with your team, streamline your workflow, and bring your ideas to life.
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