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Modern leave and attendance management. Remote work, time off management and clock-in with iBeacons.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:28 lutego 2025
103 tys.+
Calamari helps businesses and organizations boost the productivity of their employees by simplifying attendance and leave management. It's simple to use, allows tracking of vacation accrual and provides easy request and approval system for time off. It offers both attendance and leave tracking. Calamari automates time off approval and gives employees the easiest access to their leave records, useful PTO reports and team calendars overview.

Try it for FREE! No credit card or commitment is required.
Leave Management:
  • access control for different types of users (regular employees/managers/admins)
  • PTO tracking, absence and vacation management, remote work tracking
  • configuration of policies from different countries, custom leave types
  • multilevel approval process, approval automation
  • time off reports in Excel, PDF export
  • team calendars, team capacity, absence calendar
  • email notifications, slack notifications
  • multi-country organizations
  • requests on behalf of other employees (for managers)
  • mobile app for employees and managers
  • “who is off” weekly and daily notifications
  • employee profiles & directory
  • public API

Attendance Management (clockin):
  • attendance clock in methods: web browser, mobile application, QR codes, iBeacon, API
  • mobile app with iBeacon technology
  • abnormalities reporting
  • working time reports, late arrivals and early departures reports
  • reports export to payroll
  • mobile application for employees
  • real time attendance tracking
  • clock in, clock-out reminders
  • time clock mobile terminals
  • time tracking with GPS location
  • clock in from email
  • full history of changes made
  • email notifications

G Suite integration:
  • synchronize employees from the Google Workspace directory
  • import employees for the onboarding
  • import public holidays from Google calendar
  • single sign-on for Google Workspace users
  • synchronize time off and remote work requests into Google Calendar
  • available for multi-domain Google Workspace Accounts

Other integrations:
  • Slack (clock in / clock out / slack notifications)
  • Atlassian JIRA (time off requests sync)
  • Office 365/Outlook (time off calendar sync)

  • dedicated subdomain, separate database
  • support for all browsers and mobile devices
  • 99.9% uptime and 24/7 monitoring
  • hosting provider security: ISO 27001 CERT
  • data backup in different availability zones
  • English, Spanish, French, German, and Polish language supported

See for more details.
Dodatkowe informacje
CenyBezpłatny okres próbny
Polityka prywatności
Warunki korzystania z usługi
Aplikacja Calamari poprosi o uprawnienia wymienione poniżej. Więcej informacji
Aplikacja Calamari będzie potrzebowała dostępu do Twojego konta Google
Pozwoli to aplikacji Calamari na:
Przeglądanie, edytowanie, udostępnianie i trwałe usuwanie wszystkich kalendarzy, do których masz dostęp w Kalendarzu Google
Wyświetlanie informacji o użytkownikach w Twojej domenie
Wyświetlanie podstawowego adresu e-mail Twojego konta Google
Wyświetlanie prywatnych informacji o Tobie, w tym tych udostępnionych przez Ciebie publicznie
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Użytkownik aplikacji Calamari
8 maja 2017
Great app. First of all app i stable and fast. It solved the problem of staff leave and efficiently with our custom rules.
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