Lets you to filter, search, export agenda reports to pdf, xlsx, bulk delete different events of your Google calendar.
Lets you to filter, search, export agenda reports to pdf, xlsx, bulk delete different events of your Google calendar.

Trial limitations: Fully functional with only 2 event(s) processing.


Search events based on

- Any keywords
- title
- description
- visibility
- creators
- location
- date time from
- date time to
- All day event
- Recurring event
- Owned by me
- Guests can invite others
- Guests can modify
- Guests can see guests

Bulk modify events by
- date time from
- date time to
- title
- description
- visibility
- location
- Add remove Guests by email-id
- Guests can modify
- Guests can invite others
- Guests can see guests

Bulk delete events based on 

- Any keywords
- title
- description
- visibility
- creators
- location
- date time from
- date time to
- All day event
- Recurring event
- Owned by me
- Guests can modify
- Guests can invite others
- Guests can see guests

Sort data based on fields
Search and Export reports to:
- PDF or Excel(.xlsx) or Print or copy to clipboard
사업자 상태가 지정되지 않음
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Google Calendar를 사용하여 액세스할 수 있는 모든 캘린더 보기, 수정, 공유, 영구 삭제
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