Create and use canned responses email templates in Gmail.
Дата оновлення:2 лютого 2023 р.
54 тис.+
◄◄◄Try our all new Canned Responses Ultimate for more powerful features like Shared Canned Responses for Teams / Pre Populate To/Cc/Bcc/From fields / Canned Response Templates with Attachments ►►►

Canned Responses Pro is an innovative little Add-on for Gmail that helps you clear your mailbox responses as if you were working in Turbo Mode. Ability to create google mail canned responses and in case of users who handle a lot of email daily also to categorize canned responses on Gmail. Add and organize canned response templates all under multiple categories for ease of access while responding to emails needing repetitive content.  

Some of our users say, our Gmail Add on has helped them save hours while replying to emails and now they can put the time saved to much better use! 

Canned Responses in Gmail are especially beneficial for Team members or Individuals answering Support, Sales, Marketing related Emails. In case of individuals as well this Add on is very helpful as it has been observed that 40 to 60% of emails need repetitive write-ups. Which can be easily managed by doing minor alterations and personalizing the content of canned email templates. It takes far less time compared to drafting a complete email. 

All one has to do is to notice which emails are repeated regularly and set these up as canned email templates in Gmail. Users can Compose a new Mail, Reply, Reply All for an existing email using the Gmail canned messages that are already setup via Canned Responses Pro. 

Professionals, Doctors, Attorneys, Teachers, Students all can benefit by saving the time of the day to day repetitive mailing tasks for sure. 

Lite vs. Canned Responses Pro

The add-on is free and fully functional. Pro version lets you do much more in comparison to Lite version:

➤ Lets you create an unlimited number of Categories and 30 canned responses for Gmail under each category. Making it similar to having unlimited canned responses for gmail.
➤ Add Images, Graphs, Charts, Tables from with in Google Docs. Save and format your Canned Response Templates using Google Docs. 
➤ Universal access to your canned responses from your Tablet/Mobile Devices as well.
➤ Regular product updates
➤ Free Premium Support

A must Have Gmail Add-on for users with below Questions 
If you are a Gmail user and these questions have come to your mind

How to create canned responses in gmail?
How to set up canned responses in gmail?
How to delete canned responses in gmail?
How to make canned responses in gmail?
How to use canned responses in gmail?
How to use gmail canned responses ?
How to add canned response to gmail?
How to enable canned response in gmail?
How to create a canned response on gmail?
How to edit a canned response in gmail?

You are in luck my friend, as you have found the right solution Canned Responses Pro for Gmail. 

How to use Canned Responses Pro: Gmail Add-on?

Once you have installed the Gmail Add-on from the market place :

➤ Please click the Add on to initiate it on the right-hand sidebar.
Click on any email message to open it.
➤ You are presented with available options
a) Add New Response. 
b) Add an easy to remember name related to mail subject, Add a new category if you would like to assign the canned response to a category.
c) Click Create Response.
d)Click on Add content and Add content to the mail template and save. 
e) We are all set. 
New Canned Response is now available to be used for compose new emails, or insert into any mail in simple clicks.

How to upgrade to Lite Version to Canned Response Pro?

➤ Click Get Pro > On the next Screen Click Buy Now > After placing order > Click Activate and Refresh the Browser. 

➤ Pricing for Canned Responses Pro: Price US$29 

➤ Video Tutorial :

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