Enable seamless design by integrating tools like Gmail™, Drive™, and Calendar™ with Canva. Built for individuals, teams and entire organizations.
정보 업데이트:2024년 12월 9일
독립적인 보안 인증
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Bring the power of visual communication to your daily workflow with Canva. With seamless integrations for tools such as Gmail™, Drive™, and Calendar™, you and your team can stand out and boost productivity on every platform. 

Three ways to use Canva with Google tools:
1. Save Canva designs as shortcuts in Drive™.
2. Attach Canva designs to Calendar™ invites and events.
3. Streamline your emails with embedded Canva designs.

No design experience or expertise? Not a problem. Canva makes design accessible for everyone with easy-to-use AI-powered tools. Whether you're prepping a presentation, editing photos or videos, crafting social media content, or drafting a visual doc, Canva makes it simple.

Collaboration is also a breeze in Canva. Bring your team together on any device, brainstorm with peers on whiteboard, craft merchandise or posters for printing, and apply your unique brand to every design with ease.

Get started today with an end-to-end design solution for anyone, from individuals to teams to entire organizations.
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자체적으로 Google Drive에 연결
Google Drive에 있는 파일의 메타데이터 보기 및 관리
Google Workspace 앱(Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, Gmail, Calendar 등) 내의 링크 URL 보기
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Gmail 부가기능으로 실행
Google Calendar에서 내가 여는 일정 확인
Google Calendar에서 내가 여는 일정 수정
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