Our new app is here: https://workspace.google.com/marketplace/app/canva/94859032195
Ändrades senast:16 december 2024
15 mn+
Canva brings the power of design to every stage of your workflow, and integrates seamlessly with all your everyday tools like Gmail, Drive or Docs.

Whether you're designing a presentation, printing marketing materials or brainstorming with your team, stand out with powerful visual content for every platform. No design experience or expertise? No problem! From photo editor to collage maker, to logo maker – we made Canva really simple & easy for anyone in the world to design. 

Canva brings your team together to collaborate with ease - all in a single app. It's packed with features to maximize productivity, simplify workflows, and stay organized. It's the perfect end-to-end design solution for businesses, nonprofits, educators, content creators, and anyone who wants to make an impact with visual communication. 
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