CapTrav is an innovative way to capture your companies travel data. Our company specializes is helping organization with supplier negotiations, duty of care and spend aggregation.
Listing updated:August 23, 2021
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The CapTrav tool is a software as a service application designed for the corporate travel industry.
Our application was designed to seamlessly capture corporate travel related booking data no matter where the user books his travel.  This functionality solves most significant problem in corporate travel – leakage.  When travelers book travel outside of their approved travel agency, there is no way to leverage buying power and no way to help a traveler in the event of an emergency or health crisis.  This duty of care presents both fidicuiary and legal exposure to companies and has become the number one topic of interest among corporate travel and risk professionals as a direct result of COVID-19.  Risk departments need real time and comprehensive travel data no matter where the traveler booked and until now there has been no viable solution.

Due to the prevalence of more consumer choice and the changing workforce demographic, the rate of program leakage is likely to only grow making the CapTrav solution more valuable.  Corporate travel agencies manage and book approximately 10% of all global corporate travel.  In most cases, the travel programs they manage still find that most of these organizations have between 30-50% of its travel bookings occur outside of the travel agency.  As a point of reference and use case, many travelers opt to book using Google Travel instead of using its travel agency – CapTrav captures these bookings and those made from supplier websites and other sources for reporting purposes in support of critical duty of care compliance and program optimization.  Recent corporate travel surveys have identified this type of data as “must have” going forward in an effort to ensure traveler safety and corporate duty of care standards.  
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CapTrav will need access to your Google account
This will allow CapTrav to :
See your primary Google Account email address
See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available
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