Choice Eliminator: 1. Limit questions by number of responses 2. Eliminate form questions by cell value 3. Restore choices 4. Custom final choice 5. For Google Forms™ 6. Free basic features 7. Lite UI
정보 업데이트:2024년 6월 3일
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➤ ➤ ➤ FEATURES ➤ ➤ ➤ 

1) Limit choices by generic number limit
As an example: this choice eliminator addon can be used to eliminate each choice after 1 response.

2) Limit choices by individual number limit
With the help of this choice removal addon you can set individual limits for each of your options.

2) Limit choices based on sheet cell
If you need more complex choice limiting rules, just choose the “value limit” within  the choice remover sidebar. Use the rules “equals to (=)”, “contains”, “is greater than”, and “contains RegEx” to deactivate choices.

3) Restore options
Restore choices and start your survey again. Each form question can be individually restored after all options have been removed by the choice elimination process.

4) Final displayed choice
After all options have been eliminated by the option limiter, inform your participants with custom messages. 

5) Email notifications
In addition the choice limiter addon offers a functionality to receive notifications after the remove choices process for a question has been finished. 

➤ ➤ ➤ ISSUES ➤ ➤ ➤ 

1) Only the "Help" menu item does show up
This issue can not be fixed by us. Just reload the page, then all menu items of the choice eliminator addon will show up.

2) The error message " refuses to connect" shows up within the sidebar
This issue can also not be fixed by us. The error for this cause is outside the choices limiter addon. The cause for this error message is that multiple users are logged in within the browser.
Solution 1:
Just log out with all users, except the one which should be used to work with the response limiter addon.
Solution 2:
Use a different browser or the incognito mode.

2) The sidebar is completely blank
Again, the cause for this error is outside the option eliminator addon. The cause for this error message is that multiple users are logged in within the browser.
Solution 1:
Just log out with all users, except the one which should be used to work with the addon.
Solution 2:
Use a different browser or the incognito mode when using our choice eliminator addon.

➤ ➤ ➤ SUPPORT ➤ ➤ ➤ 

1) Visit our website FAQ section:
Here we will find answers to the most frequently asked questions related to the choice eliminator addon.

2) Contact us via the website contact form:
If you have any problem and need help using our option remover, feel free to get in touch with us.

The AddonForge team is grateful for any feedback and feature requests :)

Our addon is a successor of the no more existing Choice Eliminator 2 addon. Our addon offers more functionality than the deactivated Choice Eliminator 2. Please give our addon a try and see that you can do the same - and even more - as with the Choice Eliminator 2 addon.

There is no need to install other similar named addons like: Choice Eliminator 3.

➤ ➤ ➤ USE CASES ➤ ➤ ➤ 

You want to organise a consultation-hour for your students. In this case you could use a dropdown or a multiple choice question and so offer different time slots for them. You can then use our addon to eliminate options.

You can decide between 1) a generic limit: in this case each timeslot will be limited by the same number of responses. E.g. if you choose the limit 3, the addon will eliminate option by option after each one has reached its limit.

In addition, you can choose option 2) an individual limit for your appointment slots. In this case the addon will remove choice by choice as soon as the individual limit has been reached.


Another use case could be that you want to sell your products via a Google Form. Also for this situation you can use our choice eliminator addon to eliminate choice by choice.

Most probably in this case you would want to set an individual option limit for each of your products. You could set a choice limit of 5 for your product A, and for your product B you could set a choice limit of 7.


Other popular use cases are meetups where you need a limiting response count: event registration, survey, workshop etc. So situations in which you want to offer limited slots and those slots should be updated in real time. Our addon will remove choice options reliably as soon as the response limit is reached. 

➤ ➤ ➤ HAPPY CUSTOMERS ➤ ➤ ➤ 

Many teachers have thanked us for helping them to limit their surveys and events. There are also more exotic occupation groups using our addon: one ranger has used it to organise forest expeditions for kids, one baker has used it to limit his special bread sale, the application possibilities are endless!

➤ ➤ ➤ CHANGES ➤ ➤ ➤ 

- Fix limit choice bug, when number and value limit active

- Repair eliminate choices successful email

- Fix limit options functionality for multiple choices question with “go to section”

- Add remove option functionality for multiple choice questions

- Add error logging for: multiple choices questions and dropdown questions

- Fix restore button for remove options

- CSS adjustment for limit option input fields

- Active form limiter function for multiple users, change onSubmit trigger

- Responses higher than response limit, add choice eliminator notification code 001

- Form limit still active for multiple users, save document property

- Fix: Removes choice options too early

- CSS adjustment response count overflow
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