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Uses simulations to explore hundreds of scenarios to understand the sensitivities of your Google Sheet.
정보 업데이트:2024년 5월 20일
호환 기기:
Causal Scenarios lets you run scenario/sensitivity analysis without leaving Google Sheets.

For a modelling tool built with scenarios in mind, check out https://go.causal.app/scenarios

Define the range of possible values for your model's inputs (assumptions), and Causal uses Monte Carlo simulation to show you the range of possible values for your outputs. 

1. Select your model's input assumptions (e.g. User Growth Rate)
2. Define the range of possible values for each input (e.g. "5 to 10")
3. Select your model's key output(s) (e.g. Revenue)
4. Click 'Run Simulation'.

Data privacy: your data never leaves Google Sheets — Causal does not read or store your data.
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