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CavinHR automates HR processes and lets you focus on your most important asset - your employees
Do you want an app that provides time management, leave application workflow and performance management, self service, and social features, all for the price of a single cup of coffee?

*** Fully integrated with Google Drive, Calendar and Tasks

CavinHR is a HR software that frees your HR team from the daily mundane tasks and lets you focus on creating value. CavinHR automates HR processes, including attendance, time tracking, time-off management and performance.

Attendance and Time Tracking - Check in and Check out lets you track time easily. Integrate with biometric access control systems that syncs attendance data automatically. Custom integration might be required based on model. CavinHR tracks time spent at work so that employees focus less time on tools and more time being productive.

Leave Management - Apply for time off work and route to Reporting Manager automatically for review. Once approved or rejected, email notification is sent to the HR team. Integrated with Google Calendar.

Performance - Continuous performance brings the best out of your people. Create custom performance review forms and define your approval workflow. Fully customizable to your specific requirements.

Social - Create ToDos and share with your co-workers. View them in Google Tasks too. Post an update in the Activity Dashboard and share the fun with your team. Engage your people and empower them to view and manage their data. Let your people add color and life to your growing organization.

Self Service - Let your people manage their profile information, emergency contacts, skills, assets and documents. Upload all employee documents and store online for easy, safe and secure access. Save paper. Save the world. Fully integrated with Google Drive.

Try CavinHR FREE for 30 days!
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