Chat with PDF by Jotform lets you interact with uploaded PDFs using a chat interface. Ask questions, summarize information, and ask for explanations.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:21 Ocak 2025
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Genel Bakış
Interact with your PDFs using AI!

Chat with PDF by Jotform lets you interact with documents in a whole new way. Upload a PDF from your device, Google Drive, or Dropbox. The tool will open the document in a chat interface.

Ask questions and get precise answers pulled from the document. Explore topics covered in the document, find specific information, and clarify questions. Chat with PDF by Jotform makes extracting relevant information fast and simple.

🖇️ Easy PDF uploads: Easily upload any document, from contracts to reports.
🤖 AI-powered answers: Ask questions and receive instant, accurate answers.
🔍 Time savings: Extract specific information without manual reading.
📁 Secure handling: Your data stays private and safe.
🔗 Google Workspace integration: The tool works seamlessly with Google Drive.

How to use:
1. Install Chat with PDF by Jotform app from the Google Workspace Marketplace.
2. Open the tool and upload your file directly from your computer, Dropbox, or Google Drive. Alternatively, find the file you want from your Google Drive, right-click it, select Open with, and choose Chat with PDF by Jotform.
3. Chat with PDF tool will open in a new tab. It will automatically analyze your selected PDF’s content and open a chat interface.
4. Enter your questions into the chat interface to receive clear and concise answers in seconds.

Check out Jotform's other PDF Tools at 👉

- PDF Summarizer:
- Compress PDF: 
- Flatten PDF:
- Merge PDF: 
- Split PDF: 

Jotform’s customer support team is available 24/7, and the average response time is 1 to 2 hours.
Contact Jotform Support:
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Chat with PDF by Jotform uygulamasının Google hesabınıza erişmesi gerekir
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Bu uygulamayla kullandığınız belirli Google Drive dosyalarını görme, düzenleme, oluşturma ve silme
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