Generate ads in bulk thanks to the power of GPT4 (ChatGPT) and integrate them directly with Google Ads™ Editor
Ficha actualizada:24 de enero de 2024
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Generate ads in bulk thanks to the power of GPT-4 (ChatGPT) and integrate them directly with Google Ads™ Editor

Ready to use template
All your ads will be generated inside template compatible with Google Ads™ Editor. You’ll just need to copy/paste your ads in it !

Generate Ads in bulk
Generate up to 95 headlines/descriptions at a time & choose the level of creativity, tone of voice and writing style easily ! All of this with the power of GPT-4.

Optimized for Quality Score
The ads will be optimized with your main keywords and with diversity to boost your quality scores !


1) Install the template: Extensions > GPT for Google Ads™ > Template > Install Template.
Note : make sure your original spreadsheet has a locale setting of an English-speaking country for correct formatting.

2) Insert your OpenAI secret key : Extensions > GPT for Google Ads™ > OpenAI > Enter Secret Key.
Note : for this Google Sheets Add-on to work, you need to create an OpenAI account ( and then create an API Key so that the consumption is directly linked to your account. 

3) Describe your product/service in a few words in the “prompt”.

4) Choose the level of creativity in your ads.

5) Add a main keyword that needs to be included in several headlines/descriptions.

6 Choose the tone of voice and the writing style.

7) Select the number of headlines/descriptions you want to generate (the more you generate, the more credit you will use) .

8) Generate Ads :  Extensions > GPT for Google Ads > Generate Ads #1

9) Once your ads have been generated, just copy/paste into Google Ads™ Editor. In order to do this, open Google Ads™ Editor > Ads > Responsive Search Ads > Make Multiple Changes > Paste !

Update: you now have the possibility to toggle between GPT 3.5 Turbo and GPT4 models. The first is quicker and cheaper to use, the latter can generate slightly better outputs. If you want to use GPT4, make sure you have topped up API credit at least once in your OpenAI account.

Note: Google Ads™ is a trademark of Google LLC. This Add-on is not affiliated with OpenAI.
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ChatGPT for Google Ads™Editor necesitará acceder a tu cuenta de Google
Con este permiso, ChatGPT for Google Ads™Editor podrá:
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