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PlagiarismSearch is the cost-effective solution that allows you to check all your texts for plagiarism directly from your Google Docs™ in real-time.
Ändrades senast:28 februari 2025
Fungerar med:
492 tn+
PlagiarismSearch is your handy and cost-effective solution for instant and accurate plagiarism check. 
When it comes to checking a text for authenticity, PlagiarismSearch works best for Google Docs™. 
Our user-friendly system will instantly teach you how to check paper for plagiarism. Follow these simple steps to try our extension:
•	Open your Google Docs™;
•	Choose “Add-Ons” on the top of the page and press “Get Add-Ons”;
•	Type “plagiarismsearch” into the search box and find the Add-On;
•	Click on PlagiarismSearch Add-On and press “+Free”;
•	Choose your Google account from the menu and click “Advanced”;
•	Scroll down and choose “Go to PlagiarismSearch”;
•	Allow PlagiarismSearch to access your Google account by clicking “Allow”;
•	Go back to Google Docs™ document menu and choose “Add-Ons” > “PlagiarismSearch” > “Open”;
•	Sign in using your PlagiarismSearch account login and password;
•	Press “Start Checking”;
•	You will be able to download PDF plagiarism report after the check is finished.
Please note: while our extension can be downloaded and installed free of charge, your balance cannot be empty. After installing the extension, a customer gets 5000 free words for plagiarism check. In addition, there are 300 free words given daily. Also, PlagiarismSearch extension works perfectly in connection with your chosen package that would cover all your text-checking needs.
Moreover, we offer solutions for organizations, universities, businesses, content companies, and individual users via API. 

Visit our website for more detailed information
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