Fast and easy way to check out gear to users. Sidebars allow for check in, check out, adding inventory, and adding users.
Współpracuje z:
19 tys.+
Check Out Easy! Makes it easy to maintain an inventory and user list for checking out gear. It can be used in a classroom or any other setting where users check out tools, equipment, or other gear. 
When gear is checked out, sheets are used to indicate who has the gear and when it is due back. Long term records are maintained to keep a history of usage. 
Initial setup creates needed pages. Sheet owner adds users and gear listing. Checking in and out of gear, as well as adding gear and users, is done through app sidebars. Users are listed by ID number, name, grade, and period.
Manage gear checked out to students, members, or public. Use id numbers for users and gear to quickly enter checkouts. 
Dodatkowe informacje
Status przedsiębiorcy nieokreślony
Polityka prywatności
Warunki korzystania z usługi
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