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Aplikasi Google — check for plagiarism & AI with an accurate tool and be sure your texts are safe. Use grammar checker to fix grammar mistakes.
Listingan diperbarui:24 Desember 2024
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33 jt+
Check ✅ your texts for plagiarism & AI fast and easy right in Google Docs™!  Enhance your writing skills by making sure your texts are original, and using a built-in powerful grammar checker.

A modern user-friendly tool to check plagiarism and detect AI in your documents in no-time. 
See what sentences are potential plagiarism with a source or potentially AI-generated. Correct the findings and polish your writing with a grammar checker to submit your best work.

How to check for plagiarism in Google Docs:
- Install PlagiarismCheck add-on for Google Docs
- Launch it in Extensions → PlagiarismCheck → Start
- Click “Proceed” to get your text checked in a few moments
- Should you need to compare similarity to a source or download a pdf report - click “Open report” 

⚠️ Important
- If an add-on doesn’t start, and you see an error related to a Google Drive — probably you are signed in in many Gmail accounts which block the add-on. Consider signing out to use the one you installed our add-on from, or open the document in an Incognito.
- If you see the “Not enough pages” message, it means that to check your text, you need to top up your balance in our tool. Every check withdraws pages from your balance (1 page = 275 words). To add more pages, click “Buy more pages” or follow this link service was created in 2011 as an assistance tool designed for college students and teachers. Since the day it was launched, has served hundreds of thousands users worldwide.

An accurate plagiarism check Google Docs is a useful tool that helps you to make sure you didn’t use someone else’s words. AI detector google doc allows you to see if a document contains AI-generated text. Get the most from your work by keeping it original and authentic, and brush-up your writing skills.

The Mechanics: How It Works

Upon scanning an uploaded document for plagiarism, our service provides users with detailed reports, containing detailed information about the sources which might be plagiarized, or were cited incorrectly. With such reports, you will be able to easily eliminate plagiarism from your paper.
Mission Statement was founded by the idealists believing that every person creating written content — be it for school, work, or for fun — should have equal opportunities in accessing anti-plagiarism software.
We keep updating our products to meet the expectations of our users. We are dedicated to excellence and always make sure that our anti-plagiarism engine provides only the most accurate results for a fair fee. This way, we maintain our reliability and usefulness to our customers.

We believe that deliberate plagiarising is unethical and unacceptable. Unfortunately, there is always a chance of unintentional plagiarizing. We believe that any person in the academic environment should have the possibility to insure themselves from it. In order to protect yourself from unnecessary accusations and always stay on the safe side, we recommend you using our anti-plagiarism software.

Ethical Statement neither respects, nor promotes academic dishonesty in any way. Be it academic environment or elsewhere, our engine is meant to be used for ensuring the originality of written content, and for preparing it for submission. If our engine is used for cheating purposes, all responsibility rests on the user.

We respect the privacy of our users, so we guarantee that none of the information you as a customer provide us is ever disclosed to third-party individuals or companies.

We strive to make our services helpful in the matter of improving the quality of education.Therefore, we fully appreciate and respect being used for academic assistance at schools, universities, colleges, and other educational institutions.
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