This app allows you to view a CHM, HLP file without having Windows installed. Convert CHM, HLP files to Zipped HTML/RTF format.
Дата оновлення:15 березня 2022 р.
9 тис.+
This CHM, HLP Viewer allows you to view a CHM, HLP file without having Windows installed on the machine.
You can easily convert your CHM, HLP (Windows Help File) files to Zipped HTML/RTF format with this tool.
This app makes viewing CHM, HLP file quick and easy. This also provides CHM, HLP to HTML/RTF format conversion. You can download the extracted HTML/RTF files.
You can open a CHM, HLP file to view from your computer or your Google Drive.

CHM is an extension for the Compiled HTML file format, most commonly used by Microsoft's HTML-based help program. It may contain many compressed HTML documents and the images and JavaScript they link to.

HLP files can be viewed with the Windows Help Viewer, which is provided with the Windows operating system. Older versions of help files may have trouble being viewed in newer versions of Windows.
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