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Top, most stable choice eliminator for Google Forms™, form limiter, share via high quality image of Q-R. Remove options from a dropdown or multiple-choice questions.
Дата оновлення:3 березня 2025 р.
1 млн+
Choice Eliminator 3 is the best choice eliminator for Google Forms™. Google Form choice eliminator will eliminate options from a multiple-choice, dropdown, or checkbox type of question. Great for signing up for time slots or having students choose topics without doubling up. Choice Eliminator 3 is perfect for sorting out dates like a doctor’s appointment if you want to organize a consultation-hour for your patients. In this case you could use a dropdown or a multiple choice question and so offer different time slots for them. Form Choice Limiter, Choice Limit, Eliminator are all included in one app and easy to use
1) Features of Choice Eliminator, Form Limiter & Limit
+ You sets as many limits as you want for choice options
+ Allows you to limit how often specific options to multiple choice questions can be selected. This is useful if , for example, you want to let users book a timeslot and you want to limit how many people can pick a specific timeslot.
+ Support multiple languages
+ you can LIMIT Everything: Form Limiter & Choice Eliminator and generate hight resolution Q-R Codes
+ Please note: If multiple people fill in the form at the same time it's still possible that someone will pick a choice that has already reached its limit. Google Form™ will notify user about that and they will choose another option.
 Form™ will show the messsage "The form is currently processing a submission, please refresh the page." when Google Forms™ choice eliminator is processing choices removal

2) Q-R Generator features
Form™ has very long web address and it would be unreasonable to expect students, respondents to type in the whole thing correctly. This is a simple add-on to help you instantly generate and customize the QR of the URL of your Form™,
and then you can add the Q-R into your Form™ as an high quality image.
+ Customize Q-R attributes such as content, fill color, background color, label, label position, label font, image, ...
+ If Q-R label is too long, please choose Mode "1-Label-Strip" and Error Correction Level "High" 
+ You can track your Q-R via Responses tab in the Form™
+ Resize Q-R on the fly without changing their high quality images
+ Insert branded logo, image into Q-R
+ Support save setting for Q-R so you can generate very quickly
+ Support multiple languages
+ Save Q-R to file and you can paste to Excel™, Word™, or powerpoint™ (right click on image and choose 'Save Image As' menu)
+ During the trial period, you can generate codes with a limited number of scans (set randomly for each trial). This allows you to experience the features and benefits of our add-on at no cost.
+ To enjoy unlimited scans and unlock the full potential of the add-on, we invite you to upgrade to the premium version. 
If Paypal™ is not available in your country. Please contact 2hacstudio@gmail.com for alternative payments
+ If you see this warning "ScriptError: Authorization is required to perform that action", please follow this link https://www.2hac.com/faq/authorization-is-required-to-perform-that-action/ to fix this issue
+ If you only see help menu after installing, please refresh the Form™ file. If you still have this problem, please uninstall and reinstall add-on and then refresh Form™ again 

You can not share Q-R with Choice Eliminator 2, Choice Eliminator Lite but we add Q-R feature so you can share the form directly. Choice Eliminator 2 is the past. Enjoy Choice Eliminator 3
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Перегляд форм на Диску Google і керування ними
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Надання дозволу на запуск цієї програми, коли ви відсутні
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