Chromebook Getter is a super admin tools to get and set your entire Chromebook meta data.
Listing updated:July 18, 2024
Works with:
Chromebook Getter allows you to get and set your Chromebook inventory & metadata in bulk using Google sheets. We understand the complexity of managing a Chromebook fleet at scale. Chromebook Getter stream lines this process and allows you to make the changes needed and run the reports to ensure you have a healthy Chromebook fleet.


1/17/2020 Chromebook Getter was selected in the top 4 for FETC Pitchfest

Free Features (Free):
  Get all Chromebooks in your fleet.
  Get bulk organizational units Chromebooks
  Get bulk organizational units Chromebooks and children organizations
  Set Chromebook meta data information in bulk for the current sheet.
  Limited by Total Monthly Uploads (500 per domain) Devices, Support End Date, & OS 
  Version redacted from download data.

Core Features ($9.08 per month per user):
  Free features +
  Upload service worker, enables extremely fast uploads
  Filter get request
  Unlimited bulk monthly uploads
Premium Features ($20.75 per month per user):
  Core features + 
  Download service worker
  Get AUE date on all chrome devices in bulk
  Generate AUE report in bulk
  Generate OS version report in bulk
  Generate Device Telemetry data in bulk
  Include all recent users in download
  Batch get request
  Create organizational units 
  Delete organizational units
  Event History Log
  Organizational Unit Pivot Table Auto Generator.
  Bulk DEPROVISION Chromebook devices from filtered Sheet rows 
  Bulk reboot kiosk's devices
  Bulk wipe user profile data
  Bulk power wash devices

Domain wide access to premium is an option starting at $36.66 per month but must be set up by the sales team for you.

This sheets add on is for GSuite domain super admin only and for Chromebooks that have a device licenses with Google


- G-Suite admin need to keep accurate records of device inventory, including 
  assigned user, device location, and additional notes regarding things like 
  device-condition. This tool makes the work easier.

- Find the last known ip address of a Chromebook, as a single device or in bulk. Allowing you to determine if a device was used off campus. 

- No more need for the extra time and expense of barcode scanning upon 
  unboxing -- this tool pulls device serial numbers right from the Chrome 
  Admin console to your Google spreadsheet, along with any metadata you've 
  assigned the machines in Google's Admin panel.

- Helpful for bulk-updating OU on devices following enrollment.

- Need to bulk "DISABLE" or "RE-ENABLE" Chrome devices from sheet rows.

 - Need to bulk "DEPROVISION" Chrome devices from Sheet rows.

Currently we have translated some of the app into the following languages and are working towards better language support, and can be enabled by setting your Chrome language as a supported language listed below. 
Additional information
PricingFree of charge with paid features
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Terms of service
Chromebook Getter by AdminRemix will ask for the permissions shown below. Learn more
Chromebook Getter by AdminRemix will need access to your Google account
This will allow Chromebook Getter by AdminRemix to :
See, edit, create, and delete all your Google Sheets spreadsheets
View and manage spreadsheets that this application has been installed in
View and manage your Chrome OS devices' metadata
View and manage organization units on your domain
View and manage the provisioning of users on your domain
Display and run third-party web content in prompts and sidebars inside Google applications
Connect to an external service
See your primary Google Account email address
See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available
See basic device and telemetry information collected from Chrome OS devices or users managed within your organization
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