chromebookInventory enables download and update of the metadata and Org Units of enrolled Chrome devices direct from a Google Sheet.
호환 기기:
The chromebookInventory script is for super-admins only, to be used on Google Apps domains with Chrome Device Management Console licenses -- used to manage Chromebooks.  This script allows you to both export and update your  Chromebook inventory via a Google Sheet.


- Export your entire inventory of Chrome devices into a Google Sheet, including all of the following metadata: etag, Org Unit Path, Serial Number, Platform Version, Device Id, Status, Last Enrollment Time, Firmware Version, Last Sync, OS Version, Boot Mode, Annotated Location', Notes, and Annotated user.

- Make edits to Org unit, Annotated location, Notes, and Annotated user and update your Chrome console directly from any Google Sheet.


- Schools need to keep accurate records of device inventory, including assigned user, device location, and additional notes regarding things like device-condition. This tool makes the work easier.

- No more need for the extra time and expense of barcode scanning upon unboxing -- this tool pulls device serial numbers right from the Chrome Admin console to your Google spreadsheet, along with any metadata you've assigned the machines in Google's Admin panel.

- Helpful for bulk-updating OU on devices following enrollment.
사업자 상태가 지정되지 않음
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Google Drive 파일 보기, 수정, 생성, 삭제
모든 Google Sheets 스프레드시트 확인, 수정, 생성, 삭제
Chrome OS 기기의 메타데이터 조회 및 관리
Chrome OS 기기의 메타데이터 조회
도메인에 있는 조직 단위 조회 및 관리
도메인에 있는 조직 단위 조회
외부 서비스에 연결
애플리케이션과 연결된 데이터 조회 및 관리
기본 Google 계정의 이메일 주소 확인
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