Generate in-text citation and bibliography with CiteReady Citation Tool with 1000+ styles in your Google Docs.
Данные обновлены:12 октября 2021 г.
Совместимо с:
9 тыс.+
Общие сведения
CiteReady is a web-based application with desktop-like functionalities.  It is a cross-platform application that allows for easy access to your very own collection of research papers anywhere in the world at any time.  It greatly reduces the time and effort required from the literature search to citation in manuscript preparation. It greatly amplifies the workflow of your research effort and citation in manuscript preparation. With a single click, results of the literature search are saved as citation-ready bibliographic items. Your journal articles are linked to the bibliographic data and the articles can be saved on our 24×7 servers or on your own Google Drive ready for access anytime, anywhere.  This allows you to access your articles quickly for literature review during your research and manuscript preparation at any time from anywhere.  CiteReady offers the best and the fastest route from literature search to citation in manuscript preparation.

CiteReady Citation Tool is ready to help you to generate in-text citations and bibliographies from your CiteReady account into your Google Docs. With one click, the in-text citation and bibliography will be automatically generated, as well as change the citation style that you like.
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