An online community for establishing accessible, interactive educational resources and empowering global educators and learners.
Listingan diperbarui:7 September 2024
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Classcipe for Google Slides™ Add-on empowers global educators and improve both teachers’ and students’ experience of online PPT-based learning by actively engaging students in all type of assessment tasks embedded with interactive questions, receiving instant responses and evaluating students with tailored rubric.

Classcipe offers

1. Different types of interactive questions, materials and worksheets from both Internet and local drive, as well as Tips for learning can be added to slides;
2. Choice settings of how students respond to the questions, including Text, Choice, Multimedias, Comments and Drawings;
3. Templates chosen from Classcipe library filtered by catalogues of teaching strategies, differentiated instructions, assessment types, bloom taxonomy categories, knowledge dimensions, visible thinking tools and 21st century skills;
4. Flexibility between Teacher-pace(To take over students’ screen) and Student-pace presenting mode(To let students work at own pace);
5. Collecting instant responses from students and commenting between teachers and students;
6. Group settings for students to view and comment on each other’s responses within a team;
7. Easy ways for students to join interactive sessions by using the links generated by Classcipe or entering Session code on Classcipe platform;
8. Evaluations on pre-designed rubric with learning evidences selected and added from PPT-based sessions.
Informasi tambahan
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