Run Email Validation and Verification directly on Google Sheets
Pozycja zaktualizowana:23 lutego 2022
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5 tys.+
Spreadsheets are a great source to store contact data in bulk, but email verification at regular interval is essential to identify and remove the invalid contacts. Clearout for Google Sheets (COFS) add-on allows to clean, verify and enrich the email database directly on Google Sheets ensuring the contacts are always in high quality and ready to reach.		

With this add-on you can scan bulk contacts in real-time  avoiding the hassle of any import/export or upload/download  avoid spending a fortune on expensive CRMs to maintain the data.
Create a Clearout account to use this add-on -"		

➤ Easy to use. Does not require any special or technical skill.
➤ Real time verification which can start/stop based on your requirement.
➤ Choice to verify a part of the sheet at once
➤ Additional Clearout Standard Columns like 'Clearout reason', 'Clearout safe to send' to comprehend the result better
➤ User can manage verification timeout
➤ Duplicate and empty rows can be removed on demand
➤ Auto-resumption of verification even if the Google Script Timeout occurs 


How to get Clearout for Sheets Add-on?
1. Open the Google Sheet							
2. Click on 'Add-ons' in the 'Menu-Bar'						
3. Search for 'Clearout for Sheets'						
4. Click on 'Install' (If you have an existing account on 'Clearout', well and good otherwise start with creating an account. Get 100 Free credits on successful sign up)							
5. Once installed and signed in, you can take control of the verification with the Clearout window that opens on the right		

How to use Clearout for Google Sheets Add-on?             
1. Once the Add-on is successfully installed, you have to update the API token generated in the Clearout Account.             
2. Change the result 'settings' the way you want            
3. Before starting the verification ensure that either you have a header named 'email' in the 1st row or the emails Id’s begin from the 1st cell of the first column.             
4. The verification happens in real-time and results get updated instantly     

Multiple options have been provided, choose by selecting one or more options.             

By removing duplicate :             
This option removes the duplicates of any email address existing within the same sheet. We charge credits only for verifying the unique emails and not for the duplicates.              
By removing empty :             
This option simply removes any empty space existing within the column containing the email addresses.             
Re-verify if my last verified :             
This option lets you automate the re-verification of the email addresses. You may select a suitable time range after completion of which you would like the email addresses to be re-verified. The time range varies from 1 hour to 24 hours. 1 credit per email will be charged.             
Append clearout standard columns :              
This option lets you add standard columns to your verified results, along with the ‘status’ of the email addresses. Select the check-box of the columns you wish to be included.              
Don't let each verify to take :             
Select the maximum time you can allow for the verification of each email address in the concerned sheet. You may increase or decrease it based on your level of urgency.              
Verify within selected range :              
This option lets you verify the email addresses within a selected range. For Eg: In a sheet full of email addresses you wish to verify the ones in Row 17 to Row 22. Select this option, select the rows/columns to be verified and start the verification. It is that simple.              
Every new user of Clearout gets 100 free credits              
The users are provided the following plans              
- Pay As You Go : Add credits to your account anytime by making a one-time payment              
- Monthly Subscription plan : Pay a fixed amount each month and get fixed credits added to your account automatically             
- Annual Subscription plan: Pay a fixed amount annually and get fixed credits added to your account automatically             
Know more            
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Wyświetlanie podstawowego adresu e-mail Twojego konta Google
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