Embed the Clearscope Optimize experience directly in your Google Doc.
Дата оновлення:12 березня 2024 р.
22 тис.+
Clearscope is the best-in-class SEO content optimization platform that drives search traffic. Our streamlined tools simplify SEO writing so you create first-rate content that ranks.

Integrate Clearscope with Google Docs with the click of a button. Embed the Clearscope Optimize experience in your right sidebar. No more copy-pasting, our plugin pulls in Term recommendations, Content Grade, and Word Count so your report is updated in real-time as you write.

Click ‘Install’ above and open a Google Doc to get started.

How to use the Clearscope Add-on:
1. For a Clearscope report, enable the shared link. Copy it!
2. Inside your Google Doc, select ‘Clearscope’ from your Add-ons list.
3. Paste the shared link inside.
4. Begin optimizing!
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