ClickUp is a project management and productivity software.
Ficha actualizada:28 de febrero de 2023
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Informaci贸n general
ClickUp is a project management and productivity software that allows users to organize and collaborate on tasks, projects, and goals. It features a variety of tools, including task lists, calendars, Gantt charts, and time tracking, that can be used to plan and track progress on projects. Additionally, ClickUp offers a range of collaboration features, such as the ability to assign tasks, add comments, and share files, that make it easy for teams to work together. The software is available in both free and paid versions, with the paid version offering additional features and integrations.
Informaci贸n adicional
PrecioSin coste
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T茅rminos del Servicio
ClickUp solicitar谩 los permisos que se indican abajo. M谩s informaci贸n
ClickUp necesitar谩 acceder a tu cuenta de Google
Con este permiso, ClickUp podr谩:
Ver, modificar, compartir y eliminar permanentemente todos los calendarios a los que el usuario puede acceder con Google聽Calendar
Ver los eventos que creas en Google Calendar
Editar los eventos que creas en Google Calendar
Ejecutar como complemento de Calendar
Conectarse a un servicio externo.
Ver tu pa铆s, tu idioma y tu zona horaria
Ver la direcci贸n de correo electr贸nico principal de tu cuenta de Google.
Consultar tu informaci贸n personal, incluida la que has compartido p煤blicamente
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Google no verifica las rese帽as ni las valoraciones. M谩s informaci贸n sobre las rese帽as
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Aplicaciones de Google
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