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ClickUp is a beautiful productivity platform that allows you to get more done in your work and personal lives. Receive notifications from the Space, Project, or List of your choice. Updates to tasks will automatically be sent to the channel of your choice with this handy feature. The ClickUp Hangouts integration is available for all users. Contact developers at
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Notifications from ClickUp right in Hangouts Chat! Get notifications from any Space, Project, or List of your choice. Updates to tasks will automatically be sent to your team.

ClickUp is one app to replace them all. It's the future of work. More than just task management - ClickUp offers docs, reminders, goals, calendars, scheduling, and even an inbox. Fully customizable, ClickUp works for every type of team, so all teams can use the same app to plan, organize, and collaborate.

Over 50,000 teams use ClickUp to be more productive every day.
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