ClockIt is a time clock software that allows users to clock in and clock out. You can punch your time within Google Chat and ClockIt will calculate the work duration automatically. This will help in running payroll in less than 5 minutes. Note: You will need a paid plan with ClockIt and you can sign up for an account from
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12 rb+
ClockIt is a time clock software. With ClockIt employees or users can clock in clock out using the web, our mobile apps, chatbots, kisok etc. ClockIt will then calculate your work duration and help you run payroll in less than 5 minutes. 

In addition to our time clock features, ClockIt also has PTO and Accruals, Geofencing, Custom Reports, and Notifications. 

NOTE: You will need a paid plan with ClockIt to use all these features. You can sign up for an account from
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