CloudExtend for NetSuite Lite allows you to share important emails outside of your mailbox giving co-workers a 360 degree view of customer activity in NetSuite.
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9 k+
CloudExtend for NetSuite Lite Gmail Add-On is a Lite version of Celigo’s full Gmail integration that is optimized for mobile yet also works in your browser.

Users with a corporate CloudExtend Gmail license will be able to use the full featured Chrome extension or the Lite Add-On. 

See below for more information on how to upgrade to a corporate CloudExtend Gmail for NetSuite license.

Features available in this Lite Add-on Version
  - Attach emails to select NetSuite records directly from Gmail.
 -  Works on browser and Android mobiles.
 -  A limit of 20 emails attachment per month per user(for users without corporate license).


Following are the minimum requirements for Add-on to work with your NetSuite data from Gmail

- You should have access to valid NetSuite Production Account
- Role selected in the CloudExtend Add-on should have the Web Services permissions enabled
- Selected role should have permissions to View/Create/Update NetSuite records via Web Services
- Users will be required to login into Add-on using their NetSuite Production Account credentials. 2FA or SSO are currently not supported. 

Features available with corporate CloudExtend License

  - A Google Chrome extension with support for global search.
  - Support for attaching files.
  - Create and update NetSuite records directly from Gmail . 
  - Synchronize Google and NetSuite calendars automatically.
  - Supplement NetSuite file cabinet with Google Drive.
  - Certified Built For NetSuite (BFN) solution.

NetSuite Admins :

Follow this article to install our full featured bundle and other components for more functionality

Contact Us:

Mail us at  for support and sales information.
Informations supplémentaires
TarifsNon disponible
Statut de professionnel non spécifié
Règles de confidentialité
Conditions d'utilisation
CloudExtend for NetSuite Lite vous demandera les autorisations ci-dessous. En savoir plus
CloudExtend for NetSuite Lite aura besoin d'accéder à votre compte Google
CloudExtend for NetSuite Lite pourra ainsi effectuer les actions suivantes :
Afficher vos e-mails lorsque le module complémentaire est en cours d'exécution
Exécuter en tant que module complémentaire Gmail
Vous connecter à un service externe
Afficher et gérer les données associées à l'application
Afficher l'adresse e-mail principale associée à votre compte Google
Consulter vos informations personnelles, y compris celles que vous avez choisi de rendre disponibles publiquement
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