CloudExtend for NetSuite Lite allows you to share important emails outside of your mailbox giving co-workers a 360 degree view of customer activity in NetSuite.
9 тис.+
CloudExtend for NetSuite Lite Gmail Add-On is a Lite version of Celigo’s full Gmail integration that is optimized for mobile yet also works in your browser.

Users with a corporate CloudExtend Gmail license will be able to use the full featured Chrome extension or the Lite Add-On. 

See below for more information on how to upgrade to a corporate CloudExtend Gmail for NetSuite license.

Features available in this Lite Add-on Version
  - Attach emails to select NetSuite records directly from Gmail.
 -  Works on browser and Android mobiles.
 -  A limit of 20 emails attachment per month per user(for users without corporate license).


Following are the minimum requirements for Add-on to work with your NetSuite data from Gmail

- You should have access to valid NetSuite Production Account
- Role selected in the CloudExtend Add-on should have the Web Services permissions enabled
- Selected role should have permissions to View/Create/Update NetSuite records via Web Services
- Users will be required to login into Add-on using their NetSuite Production Account credentials. 2FA or SSO are currently not supported. 

Features available with corporate CloudExtend License

  - A Google Chrome extension with support for global search.
  - Support for attaching files.
  - Create and update NetSuite records directly from Gmail . 
  - Synchronize Google and NetSuite calendars automatically.
  - Supplement NetSuite file cabinet with Google Drive.
  - Certified Built For NetSuite (BFN) solution.

NetSuite Admins :

Follow this article to install our full featured bundle and other components for more functionality

Contact Us:

Mail us at  for support and sales information.
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Додаток CloudExtend for NetSuite Lite запитає наведені нижче дозволи. Докладніше
Додатку CloudExtend for NetSuite Lite буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
Після цього додаток CloudExtend for NetSuite Lite зможе:
Перегляд ваших електронних листів, коли доповнення запущено
Запуск як доповнення для Gmail
Під’єднання до зовнішніх служб
Перегляд пов’язаних із програмою даних і керування ними
Переглядати основну електронну адресу облікового запису Google
Переглядайте особисту інформацію, зокрема всі відомості, які зробили загальнодоступними
Google не перевіряє відгуки й оцінки. Докладніше про відгуки
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