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Make any paragraph text into a fill-in-the-blanks worksheet or also known as a cloze exercise - with a single click!
Ändrades senast:8 november 2021
Fungerar med:
37 mn+
NOTE: If you encountered permission error/issue, most likely because you have multiple Google accounts logged into your browser however this add-on only installed on one of them. A quick fix is to either; log out all others, or install this add-on on your other accounts too.

This add-on allows you to make any paragraph text as a fill-in-the-blanks activity, or also known as a cloze activity.

1. Simply highlight or underline words you'd like to be blanked.
2. Select between; Option 1 where the words are fully replaced with a blank and a randomised list of those words will be added at the end of the text as a 'word bank'.
3. Or option 2, where the words are fully replaced with a blank except its first letters. This will provide students hints to figure out the rest of the words.

The word bank generated at the end of the text is randomised in order.

If you wish to start from scratch or made mistakes, click 'Unhighlight all text' to remove any highlight colours.

The add-on detects any highlight colours.

You can run this how multiple times! If you decide there's more words you wish to be blanked, select them and run it again. You can edit the word bank list at the end if you wish.
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