Coaching software for life and business coaches where they can organize their clients and automate their business. Allowing them to focus on coaching and not administration.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:21 stycznia 2022
3 tys.+
Our coaching platform includes:

Tasks: The client and coaches can create tasks and comment on tasks.

Notes: the client and coaches can create private and shared notes.

Client Agreements: Coaches can create client agreements that allow the clients to pay with PayPal or Stripe.  The payment is integrated into the system so coaches don't have to track down the clients payment.

Scheduling: The coach can set up times to meet and the clients simply pick the times that work for them. The application knows each person's time zone and adjusts the times accordingly.

Files and Videos:  Coaches can upload files and videos to share securely with their clients.

Custom Forms: Coaches can created their own custom forms to track clients progress.
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Status przedsiębiorcy nieokreślony
Polityka prywatności
Warunki korzystania z usługi
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