Edit, fill, sign, and convert PDF documents within Google Drive ™ effortlessly and quickly using CocoDoc Google Marketplace ™ app.
Ficha actualizada:14 de febrero de 2022
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1 mil+
Información general
With CocoDoc Google Marketplace ™  app, you can edit, fill, sign, and convert PDF documents within Google Drive ™  with just 1 click. We address all your PDF needs:
    ★ Add text, note, date, type on a PDF
    ★ Convert PDF to Word, Excel, PPT, JPG, PNG, etc.
    ★ Convert Word, Excel, PPT, JPG, PNG, etc., to PDF
    ★ Compress a PDF
    ★ Sign PDFs and send for signature
    ★ Merge, Split and Extract PDF Pages
    ★ Download, send and share PDF files
    ★ Protect and Unlock PDF
    ★ Create PDF forms
    ★ Rotate PDFs 
    ★ Delete PDF Pages
    ★ Sign PDFs
    ★ Erase, Redact, & Highlight PDFs

How to Use CocoDoc app?
  1. Install CocoDoc Google Marketplace ™ 
  2. Select a PDF document from Google Drive ™  or Gmail ™ 
  3. Right-click and hit “Open with” - “CocoDoc”

Edit, Fill out & Sign PDFs
Fill out, type in, and sign PDF contracts, invoices, and tax documents quickly and easily without ever leaving Google Drive ™ , eliminating the need to switch between programs. Optimize your PDF documents at will with multiple editing tools.
Convert PDF Files
CocoDoc allows you to convert PDFs to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, or JPG documents quickly and effectively. You can also use it to convert Word, Excel, PPT, or images to PDF format.
Merge and Rearrange PDFs
You can combine several PDFs into a single document, easily rotate PDF pages, and split  PDF files in seconds. Using the app, you can also delete  pages from your PDF document. To make it easier to understand, you can also number the PDF pages, drag and drop pages properly to organize your PDF files.
Unlock or Protect Your PDF
With CocoDoc, you can unlock a PDF that has a password and make it available to everyone. You can also encrypt your PDF document with a strong password to protect it. 
Get Started with CocoDoc’s PDF Tools Now!
Save time and costs with a Google Drive ™  PDFs editor, filler and converter. CocoDoc allows you to handle documents efficiently and productively. Install CocoDoc Google Marketplace ™  now and start editing your PDFs!
Información adicional
PrecioPrueba sin coste adicional con funciones de pago
Estado de operador no especificado
Política de privacidad
Términos del Servicio
CocoDoc - Online PDF Editor, Filler and Converter solicitará los permisos que se indican abajo. Más información
CocoDoc - Online PDF Editor, Filler and Converter necesitará acceder a tu cuenta de Google
Con este permiso, CocoDoc - Online PDF Editor, Filler and Converter podrá:
Ver, editar, crear y eliminar solo los archivos de Google Drive que utilices en esta aplicación
Conectarse a tu cuenta de Google Drive
Ver tu país, tu idioma y tu zona horaria
Ver la dirección de correo electrónico principal de tu cuenta de Google.
Consultar tu información personal, incluida la que has compartido públicamente
Asociar tu identidad a tu información personal en Google
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