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Syntax highlighting for Google Docs
Fortegnelse opdateret:26. februar 2022
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Code Blocks makes it easy to put your code into Google Docs. Simply select some text, click the "Format" button, and it will be formatted with the color theme of your choice.

• One-click syntax highlighting
• Automatic language detection (or choose it yourself)
• Lots of color themes
• Format code inline or as blocks (1x1 tables)
• Preview changes before updating your document
• More to come...


NOTE: Code Blocks does not provide real-time syntax highlighting or code formatting. To get these features, you will need to use a separate editor.
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Rasmus Lykke Sørensen
9. april 2021
The Add-ons tab is missing and code blocks is not showing in the right side bar with other add-ons?
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Jakob Andersen
24. november 2020
Nice add-on! Reason for only four stars: Would be even nicer if it was possible to change the font-size all code code blocks in a simple setting.
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