A syntax highlighter for code snippets
Ändrades senast:18 oktober 2024
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This add-on provides support for code segments and code spans.

Similarly to markdown code segments (aka code blocks) are delimited with triple back-ticks and code spans with single back-ticks.

Additionally, the add-on changes #-heading lines to their corresponding Google Docs™ headings.

When using the 'Colorize' menu item, the add-on finds all code segments and code spans, as well as the headings and handles them. It also updates existing code segments.

The 'Colorize Selection' menu syntax-highlights the current selection according to the chosen language. If no text is selected, does nothing.

The 'Change mode' menu changes the current code segment (where the cursor is) to the chosen language. If the cursor is not in a code segment, does nothing.
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