Complete Crypto Data Inside your Google Sheets
Tiedot päivitetty:15. helmikuuta 2022
Yhteensopiva seuraavien kanssa:
1 t.+
Get an edge on the competition. Run custom formulas, sort & filter, and get advanced insights like never before.

✔ 10,000+ crypto-currencies supported
✔ FREE plan available
✔ Get an edge on the competition
✔ Gain complete ownership of LIVE exchange data
✔ Get real time data directly into Google Sheets
✔ Run custom formulas and optimizations
✔ Global data aggregated across multiple exchanges
✔ Dedicated Support
✔  Support for CoinGecko, Coinmarketcap, PancakeSwap, and more coming soon!

✔ Real-time Data

Unlike sites that only refresh hourly or daily, our APIs update in near real-time.

✔ Accurate Data

Our data is pulled directly from the aggregator APIs, ensuring that pricing reflects a wide variety of exchanges and DEXs.

✔ Advanced charting

Want to run custom charts inside of Excel or Sheets? CoinData gives you the ability to create custom pie charts, bar graphs and more, inside of Google Sheets.

✔ Enterprise Grade Security

CoinData takes privacy and anonymity extremely seriously. We never rent, sell, or monetize your data, EVER. Your email and name are always fully encrypted.

✔ Advanced formulas

Run custom formulas, track ROI, and compare coins in a way not possible on any other platform.

✔ Trending Coins

Want to see trending coins without the hassle of manually refreshing a site? We’ve got you covered. Trending coins will appear automatically inside your Google Sheet. Discover new opportunities every time you log in.

Let’s Get Granular

Access hundreds of metrics and datapoints such as: complete historical pricing data, historical volume data, trending coins, new movers and shakers, coins sorted by category, new additions to Coingecko and CoinMarketCap, and much more. 

All automagically imported into your Google Sheets account in real time. 

Other analytics tools charge hundreds or even thousands per month to access data, with much less flexibility. With CoinData you’ll save time and money. by being able to set up your own reports and charts.

Tags: stocks API, crypto API, graphql API, defi API, bitcoin API, cryptocurrency API, blockchain API, altcoins, bitcoin mining, crypto portfolio, google sheets crypto, ethereum tracker, altcoin tracker, altcoin google sheets
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yhdistää ulkoiseen palveluun
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nähdä Google-tilisi ensisijaisen sähköpostiosoitteen
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Google ei todenna arvosteluja tai arvioita. Lue lisää arvosteluista
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