Co-lab-orate is a digital lab notebook that allows teachers to easily assign lab reports to their classes. Six feet apart or six streets apart, students can easily work together.
Fortegnelse opdateret:4. november 2022
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Enable students to work together, whether they are 6 feet apart or 6 streets apart.

Working together even when you are apart
Co-lab-orate is a game changer for teachers and students. Whether in class or remote, students can get their work done, and teachers can get insights into their process.

What is Co-lab-orate?
Co-lab-orate is an innovative digital lab notebook that allows teachers to easily assign lab reports to their classes, and lets their students work individually or together to complete hands-on activities that are easy to access and grade. With Co-lab-orate, students can work together in class, and they don't have to pivot because they suddenly find themselves learning from home, they just work the way they always do!

Why Co-lab-orate?
Co-lab-orate is packed with features that make teaching and learning easy and collaborative!
Create new labs or import PDFs of labs you already have.
Easily deliver assignments to all students and classes.
Import photos, and create and edit graphs, tables, and equations.
Access, complete, or grade hands-on lab activities using a mobile device, tablet, or laptop.
Communicate with other students and teachers through comments, or work independently.
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Se dine Google Classroom-kurser
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