Power your content with the voice of your customers with on-tap SEO keyword research at your fingertips, powered by Conductor Searchlight, the Forrester recognized leader in SEO & Content Intelligence.
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2 tys.+
Conductor for Google Docs gives digital marketers seamless access to industry-leading SEO keyword data and insights, directly in Google Docs. 
Seamless Keyword Research: 
Infuse your content with rich keyword data and search insights as you write. See key metrics like monthly search volume (MSV) and competition score. 

Identify Customer Intent and Demand:
Uncover high value content topics, directly in your favorite document editor. Even filter topics by Customer Journey stage, to learn if keywords are early or late stage search terms. 

Create Content that Resonates:
Write content in your customer’s voice. Know what they are searching for online, so you can tailor content to their unique needs.
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