The Conference Schedule Creator (CSC) is a tool designed facilitate the set up of 1:1 conference meetings.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:24 Kasım 2024
Şununla çalışır:
26 B+
Genel Bakış
The primary benefit of using the tool is to create a participant friendly agenda style version of the schedule that can be distributed prior to the conferences.
The tool was originally created to support  quarterly parent-teacher conference scheduling at  a small private school, but can be used to facilitate the sharing of schedules for 1:1 conferences in any context.

Usage at a high level is as follows:
1. Design your template using the setup screen.  Specify length of conferences, start and end times and number of hosts.
2. Once the Add-On generates the template, fill in the schedule by placing participant names into the timeslots, ensuring that there are no conflicting meetings.
3. Once the schedule is ready, run the Setup Attendee Schedule function and your host schedule will be transformed into a list of attendees and when their meeting times are, formatted and ready to print and distribute

That's it!  Visit the Add-On website for detailed instructions.
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