Want to provide feedback without opening every student presentation? Now use Connect More! to extract slides from an assignment folder, provide feedback, and then push that feedback to the students.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:2 Nisan 2024
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NEW no PII collected option with District domain level purchases!

Connect More! is the perfect tool to allow teachers to retrieve student slide(s) for formative assessment (ie. daily check-in, progress check on a project, …) , and/or as a tool to collect student work, provide teacher feedback, and to send that feedback back into the student’s presentation.

Connect More! provides 3 modes to pull slides from student presentations:
1) Pulling slides by Name allows the teacher to pull slides with the same title.  This can be a slide that we pre-designed in the assignments presentation template, or a new slide could be slipped to the students on the fly using OTT-o-matic Slip-in-Slide. This option is the most versatile in retrieving exactly what the teacher wants to view based on the slide title.  Note: this method will pull all slides with that title allowing students to expand on their answer or to provide multiple points of feedback.
2) Pulling slides by Number allows the teacher to pull any slide number, perfect for a pre-designed presentation.
3)Pull ALL slides allows teachers to gain access to all student presentations in a single parent presentation.  This is the most comprehensive option, though it does generally take more time to pull all the slides. 

Once the files have been pulled the add-on provides options to update those slides and send feedback to them.  These steps can be done one slide at a time or to all slides at once.  Connect More! can work on its own with pre-designed presentations, or can be used in partnership with Slip-in-Slide allowing for a more dynamic use.  The slipping features of Slip-in-Slide and pulling/pushing features of Connect More! provides many opportunities for teachers. This product includes a full-access 60 day trial.

Note: Installation may require approval by your Admin.  If installation fails, contact your IT department.   

(Version 16 - 4/2/2024)
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Tüm Google Drive dosyalarınızı görme ve indirme
Tüm Google Slaytlar sunularınızı görme, düzenleme, oluşturma ve silme
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