Use Antidote directly where you are writing! Run a text through the corrector and the changes you make will be automatically applied in Google Documents.
Дата оновлення:19 лютого 2025 р.
641 тис.+
The Antidote Connector for Google Documents creates a menu to link Antidote’s tools to Google Docs.

-	This extension supplements the Antidote Connector for Google Chrome (, which must already be installed.
-	You must have access to Antidote (with Antidote 11 or 10, Antidote+ or Antidote Web), not included with this connector.
-	This connector does not handle Google Sheets spreadsheets, Google Slides presentations or Word documents (.docx) opened with Google Docs.

Start the Antidote extension for each document: Extensions > Antidote Connector for Google Documents > Start. The Antidote toolbar with its three icons (corrector, dictionaries, language guides) will appear in the sidebar.

Select a text and run it through the corrector by clicking on the green checkmark. The Antidote application will open to process the text. The changes made in the corrector will be automatically applied to the original text.

The toolbar also provides access to the dictionaries and the language guides. Select a word and click on one of these resources in the extension menu: it will open to the page you are looking for.
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