ConnectTo Klaviyo™ add-on for Google Forms™ integrates with Klaviyo, allowing you to create or update profiles (subscribers) while your form is submitted.
Ändrades senast:20 juni 2024
Fungerar med:
The ConnectTo Klaviyo™ add-on for Google Forms and Google Sheets™ integrates seamlessly with your Klaviyo™ account, allowing you to create or update contacts in your Klaviyo™ audience whenever your form is submitted.

Free Version Limitations:
- Create 25 contacts/month

Video help:

Legal Disclaimer and Usage Guidelines:
- This product is not endorsed by or affiliated with Klaviyo™.
- The ConnectTo Klaviyo™ Add-on for Google Forms and Google Sheets™ is outlined herein, featuring components subject to alterations contingent upon the most recent updates and add-on versions.
- It is imperative to underscore that the acquisition of this add-on does not encompass Klaviyo™ usage credits. Seamless integration with Klaviyo™, a third-party provider of marketing automation for email marketing services, requires maintaining an active Klaviyo™ account alongside an adequate allocation of credits.
- We explicitly disclaim responsibility for any disruptions in service pertaining to Google Forms or Google Sheets™ or Klaviyo™.
- Users are hereby obligated to adhere to the terms, rules, and regulations stipulated by their respective platform providers.
- We expressly disclaim any responsibility for the misuse or illegal utilization of the services provided.

## Google services impose daily quotas and hard limitations on some features -
- ConnectTo Klaviyo™ use and transfer of information received from Google APIs to any other app will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.
Ytterligare information
PriserKostnadsfritt med betalfunktioner
ConnectTo Klaviyo™ frågar efter de behörigheter som visas nedan. Läs mer
ConnectTo Klaviyo™ behöver åtkomst till ditt Google-konto
Detta ger ConnectTo Klaviyo™ behörighet att:
Visa och hantera dina formulär i Google Drive
Se, redigera, skapa och radera alla dina kalkylark i Google Kalkylark
Visa och kör externt webbinnehåll i meddelanden och sidofält i appar från Google
Ansluta till en extern tjänst
Tillåt att appen körs när du inte är närvarande
Skicka e-post i ditt namn
Se den primära e-postadressen för ditt Google-konto
Visa dina personliga uppgifter, inklusive personliga uppgifter som du har gjort offentliga
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