Check consistency of formal documents to help get articles and reports accepted and deliver winning proposals and bid documents.
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Consistency Checker helps you to improve your documents and to make the best impression with your text. When working with multiple authors and editors, inconsistencies can creep in. If you want to get bid documents, articles, proposals or reports accepted then quality and consistency make a difference. Consistency Checker doesn't spend time on spelling or grammar. Instead, it's intended for long or formal documents where consistency is hard to maintain. It finds mistakes that other checkers can't find, such as inconsistent hyphenation (e.g. ‘part time’ and ‘part-time’) and spelling (e.g. ‘color’ and ‘colour’). It also finds numerals in the middle of sentences, and abbreviations that appear in two different forms. It's the fastest way to help ensure that reports, articles, proposals, contracts and other multi-author documents are the the best they can be.
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