Edit your contact in a spreadsheet format. You can edit multiple contacts at single action. Sort! Find! Replace! Edit! Save!
Данные обновлены:3 июля 2022 г.
11 тыс.+
Общие сведения
Contact Editor enables you to edit your contact information in a spreadsheet format with a single click!

Are you tired of editing your numerous contacts one by one? Here is the best solution in the world.

* Do you have hundreds of thousands of contacts that you can’t even start editing them?
* Are they stored randomly without any criteria?
* Do you find a lot of duplicates in your contacts?
* Is the number registered in the mobile phone field really a mobile number?
* Are the national codes and area codes properly organized?

Contact Editor enables you to edit your contact information in a spreadsheet format with a single click!

* You can cut, copy, and edit multiple contacts at once.
* It supports field-specific searching and sorting and it makes editing contacts so much easier.
* Contact Editor offers diverse built-in features for editing your Google contacts.

The World’s Best Contact Editor

Add to Chrome NOW! It's free!

1. Subscribe to our YouTube channel!

2. Take a look at the features

> Organize your contacts in less than 3 minutes 

> Create business contacts1

> Create business contacts2

> Email validation

> Edit Gmail contacts

No personal information is transmitted to any external sources through Contact Editor and it does not collect or save any personal information but only provide API connection between users' browser and Google servers.
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Приложение "Contact Editor for Google Contacts" запросит указанные ниже разрешения. Подробнее…
Приложению "Contact Editor for Google Contacts" потребуется доступ к вашему аккаунту Google.
Приложение Contact Editor for Google Contacts сможет:
Просмотр, изменение, скачивание и безвозвратное удаление ваших контактов
Просмотр данных о пользователях вашего домена
Просмотр основного адреса электронной почты вашего аккаунта Google
Просмотр ваших личных данных, в том числе общедоступных
Критерий сортировки:
Компания Google не проверяет отзывы и оценки. Подробнее об отзывах…
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