Connects Google Contacts™ custom fields to Google Sheets™ & tracks business without the need for another app. 30 Day Free Trial
Listingan diperbarui:24 Oktober 2023
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**Update in progress...**

Contacts CRM addon makes it easy to use the Google Contacts™ app included in Google Workspace™ (formally GSuite™) as a Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) by utilizing custom fields to track business metrics and sales cycle information related to that Contact.  Easy to use Dashboard will link directly to a contact record for updating and next step actions.  When a contact record has a date field it will appear on your Google Calendar™ as an event and when clicked it becomes a pop-out window with phone number and notes with a link directly to that contact record for further action.  

Eliminate redundancy by using your Google Contacts™ records as the CRM for your business.  Record conversations in the notes field, set follow up activities in date fields and Contacts CRM creates Google Calendar™ events with pertinent information and a link to that contact record on your Google Calendar™.

The magic happens because of the custom fields in Google Contacts™.  Only contacts that have custom fields populated will sync with the Contacts CRM Google Sheets™, so if you have a lot of contacts that are not necessarily sales contacts then those will not be included.  Within these custom fields is where you track your business metrics.  By default we track Category, Type, Status, Timeframe, Probability, Value, Fee, Source, Initial Contact Date, Closed Date and Verified Date.  Additional metrics can be added with the ‘Create Custom Fields’ Button.  Furthermore, if a metric has multiple standard choices it can be configured as a multi-select drop-down in the 'new contact' form to ensure consistency.

When a Google Contacts™ date field is populated it will appear on the Google Calendar™ as an event and when the event is selected the pop-out window shows that contact’s phone number and notes with a link directly to that contact record for editing and updating if new information or an activity needs to be added.

Google Sheets™ integration aggregates all the Google Contacts™ that have custom fields populated for sorting and filtering so you can work on subsets of your sales contacts.  For example:  sort contacts by Status of “Qualified” and a probability of >65% to either report on or to interact with.

When new people enter your sales process you can create a new record within the addon.  This ensures consistency on what is being tracked in all your sales contacts.

Further analysis of your sales business can be visualized by utilizing the Google Sheets™ Pivot Table and Charting functions.

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Melihat, mengedit, membuat, dan menghapus semua spreadsheet Google Spreadsheet Anda
Melihat, mengedit, dan secara permanen menghapus semua kalender yang dapat Anda akses menggunakan Google Kalender
Melihat, mengedit, mendownload, dan secara permanen menghapus kontak Anda
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