Bulk convert Google Drive™ files quickly and easily with this Add-on. Convert between Google™, Microsoft Office™, OpenDocument, PDF, etc.
What it does
Bulk convert Google Drive™ files quickly and easily with this Add-on. Convert between Google™, Microsoft Office™, OpenDocument, PDF, etc. Point the Add-on at a Google Drive™ folder, select the file types you want to convert, select your destination folder and whether you want the original file to be deleted, then hit go! Saves having to go into each file individually, selecting the file type to download and then selecting the save destination.

January 2024:
New payment subscription plan. Those who previously purchased a licence outright are unaffected by this change.

December 2023:
> Remove original file extension option - based on feedback, the default behaviour for automatically removing any existing file extension has been stopped. There is now a simple Yes/No option allowing you to choose for yourself exactly what you want to happen. The main reason for this change was due to file names containing 'full stops' that would otherwise be lost as the tool treat them as part of the extension.

Convert file types
Google Doc™ to PDF | Microsoft Word™ | OpenDocument Text | Rich Text Format | HTML
Google Sheet™ to PDF | Microsoft Excel™ | OpenDocument Spreadsheet
Google Slide™ to PDF | Microsoft PowerPoint™ | OpenDocument Presentation
Google Drawing™ to PDF | JPEG | PNG | SVG
Microsoft Word™ to PDF | Google Doc™ | OpenDocument Text | Rich Text Format
Microsoft Excel™ to PDF | Google Sheet™ | OpenDocument Spreadsheet
Microsoft PowerPoint™ to PDF |Google Slide™ | OpenDocument Presentation
Plain Text to Google™ Doc | Microsoft Word™
Note: a maximum size of 50MB per file.

1) You can access the tool from within any Google Sheet™ by clicking the 'Extensions' menu, then 'Convert Drive Files'.

2) Follow the on-screen instructions to provide the relevant folder IDs: A folder ID is the last part of the URL e.g. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/this_bit_is_the_ID

3) Select the type of file you are converting from e.g. Google Sheet™, Microsoft Word™, etc.

4) Select the type of file you are converting to e.g. Google Sheet™, PDF, etc.

5) Select if you want to delete the original file after it has been converted.

6) Select if you want to remove the original file extension, as it looks for the last 'full stop' in the file name.

7) Select if you want the new file name to include the file extension.

8) Click the 'Start Converting' button when you are ready and an animated popup will appear. Note: due to Google™ limitations it can only run for up to 5 minutes and 30 seconds at a time. After which you will receive a prompt to 'Resume converting' in order to continue your progress, if there are still files to convert. Alternatively you can close the popup at this point if you do not wish to continue.

9) Once complete you will see a success message with the total number of files converted.

10) You should ensure you are not logged into any other Google™ accounts when running the Add-on to prevent any issues.

This Add-on has a 14 day free trial period then requests a monthly subscription of £2.50 to continue using it and all features. No adverts, no in-app purchases, no price increases.
Further details: https://www.pbainbridge.co.uk/p/convert-drive-files-add-on.html#anchorPayment
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