Allow users to convert or merge their PDF documents into Google Slides™.
Дата оновлення:22 жовтня 2024 р.
1 тис.+
Transform Your Presentations with Convert PDF to Slides™ for Google Slides™

Make every presentation count with Convert PDF to Slides™, the essential Google Workspace Marketplace™ addon for Google Slides™. This powerful tool allows you to seamlessly convert PDF documents from your Google Drive™ into beautifully integrated slides. Whether for business reports, educational materials, or engaging project proposals, Convert PDF to Slides™ enhances your presentations by incorporating PDF contents directly into Google Slides™.

Direct Integration with Google Drive™: Easily upload PDF files from your device or select them from Google Drive™ for conversion, all within the secure Google ecosystem.

Flexible Conversion Choices:
As Backgrounds: Convert PDF pages into slide backgrounds for a sleek, professional appearance.
As Image Elements: Opt to convert PDF pages into images that you can resize and move, offering complete control over your slide layout.
Selective Content Import: Tailor your presentations by selecting specific PDF pages or importing multiple files at once. Customize your slides to include exactly what you need—nothing more, nothing less.

Ideal for:
Business Professionals: Elevate your business presentations by integrating key data and visuals from various PDF reports directly into your slides.
Educators: Enhance teaching materials by easily converting educational PDFs into slides, making information more accessible and engaging for students.

Quick Start:
Install: Add Convert PDF to Slides™ from the Google Workspace Marketplace™ to your Google Slides™.
Choose Your PDFs: Upload from your device or select files directly from Google Drive™.
Convert: Select your conversion settings—either as backgrounds or image elements.
Customize: Choose specific pages or convert entire documents according to your needs.
Present: Impress your audience with a professionally designed presentation enhanced by your converted PDFs.

Empower Your Presentations:
Upgrade your Google Slides™ experience with Convert PDF to Slides™. It's not just an addon; it's a must-have tool for anyone looking to create compelling, detailed, and visually appealing presentations. Install today from the Google Workspace Marketplace™ and transform your static PDF documents into dynamic presentation elements with ease.

Get Convert PDF to Slides™ and redefine your presentation capabilities!

Oct 22, 2024 Update: Bug fix for the upload to drive to work properly. We are currently using their free system so there are some limitations like file size and execution time.
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