Your virtual classroom assistant COOL supports teachers and learners each step of the way.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:12 Eylül 2022
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Genel Bakış
COOL. Your virtual classroom assistant.

COOL is an all-in-one education solution designed to support teachers and their learners every day, every step of the way. It saves time, makes life in the classroom lighter and enriches lessons with easy yet powerful IT solutions. COOL assists wherever learning happens: online, on-site & hybrid. It’s where Google Workspace for Education, your favorite educational apps, and clever tools for carefree teaching all come together.

| COOL Platform |

The COOL Platform is the base of your COOL experience. With just 1 login, teachers and students have easy, secure and fast access to everything they need: educational apps, assignments, and your school’s Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 environment. It's like an intuitive, teacher-curated homepage, where students get off to a flying start every day.

✓ Single sign-on
✓ All edu apps in 1 place
✓100% cloud-based

You can extend your COOL Platform by adding powerful modules for full classroom support and simplified IT management:

🔄 COOL Sync
🔐 COOL Easy login
🧑‍💻 COOL Live
✅ COOL Check

| COOL Sync |
Google, Microsoft or Hybrid? No problem for COOL Sync. COOL Sync simplifies IT management by ensuring your school or district’s data is complete, secure and in sync. It connects to your SIS and digital environment(s) during setup, so student, teacher and admin accounts are automatically created and assigned to the right groups. Plus, overnight syncing keeps all data up to date.

✓ Easy & quick setup
✓ Auto-synced users and groups
✓ GDPR compliance

| COOL Easy login |
Wasting class time helping students log in is a common problem. That’s why COOL Easy login allows younger students to log in themselves in only seconds. Instead of entering a username and password, students click on a simple picture sequence or scan their QR badge. Picture login and QR login can be combined for extra security, for example when a student joins class from home.

✓ Independent login
✓ On-site & remote
✓ 2-step verification

| COOL Live |
See what’s happening! With COOL Live, teachers can monitor students’ learning activity in real time and provide guidance from their own device. It offers handy features such as built-in web filtering and the option to lock browsers during instruction. Teachers can remotely open or close websites for the group or individual students and push personalized content and activities.

✓ Live guidance & safeguarding
✓ Confident teachers
✓ COOL Check integration

| COOL Check |
COOL Check delivers test results you can rely on. In the closed COOL Check environment, students can only access exam content and tools (such as a calculator) enabled by their teacher. No more googling, much more exam focus! Plus, administering low-stakes tests and high-stakes exams with COOL is easy and fast. Even for teachers who feel unsure about using technology.

✓ Secure & 100% fair exams
✓ Smart supervision
✓ Pure test results

Try the full COOL education suite for free during a 60-day trial! To learn more or book your personal demo, visit:
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COOL Education Suite aşağıda gösterilen izinleri ister. Daha fazla bilgi
COOL Education Suite uygulamasının Google hesabınıza erişmesi gerekir
Bu, COOL Education Suite uygulamasının şunları yapmasına olanak tanır:
Tüm Google Drive dosyalarınızı görme ve indirme
Alan adı ayarlarınızı yönetin
Müşteriyle ilgili bilgileri görüntüleme
ChromeOS cihazlarınızın meta verilerini görüntüleme ve yönetme
Müşterilerinizle ilgili alan adlarını görüntüleyin
Alan adınızdaki grupları görüntüleyin
Alan adınızdaki kuruluş birimlerini görüntüleyin
Alan adınızdaki kullanıcıların temel hazırlığını görüntüleyin ve yönetin
G Suite alan adınızın denetim raporlarını görüntüleme
Google Classroom sınıflarınızı görme, düzenleme ve kalıcı olarak silme
Ders verdiğiniz veya yönettiğiniz Google Classroom sınıflarındaki öğrencilerin sınıf çalışmalarını ve notlarını görüntüleme
Sınıflarınızdaki kişilerin e-posta adreslerini görüntüleme
Google Classroom sınıfınızdaki katılımcı listesini yönetme
Birincil Google Hesabı e-posta adresinizi görme
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